Supporting the Future of Education in Avon, Connecticut
Avon Education Foundation.
Consider Volunteering and Donating to AEF.
Your Help and Your Donation Can Do So Much
To Help Shape Our Future
Through the efforts of this all-volunteer organization, AEF makes annual educational grant awards to the AVON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AVON FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, and AVON SENIOR CENTER.

2022 Grant to Avon Free Public Library for American Sign Language Project
Students Feel the Impact
Years ago, I guided my students through a book project that opened their eyes to all of the behind the scenes work that goes into the books they read. My students were then able to write and publish a book due to the financial support of the Avon Education Foundation. Given my positive experience with AEF in the past, I was thrilled to once again have the opportunity to give students the chance to experience something new with a literary connection.
Last year, Ms. Dunn and I took our classes on a journey to start a Little Free Library at Thompson Brook School. A Little Free Library is a “Take a book, return a book” free book exchange. With the help of the AEF, we received money to purchase and install a library at TBS. Our students picked out the library to buy, chose its location, helped dig the hole, made custom bookmarks, selected the books to start off with, stamped each of them, and even spread soil and planted grass around the library. Now this library is available for the entire Avon community, and will encourage reading for years to come.